Planted in Faith, Sewn in Love

Nov 25, 2024 | Uncategorized

By Allison Blatchford, Events & Communications Manager

From the smallest of seeds to the most aged of trees, we are all able to see God’s work through the unique leaves and branches of trees.

This past summer, more than 1,450 campers had the opportunity to be planted in faith through the ministry of camp.

After a week of growth and learning, they were then sewn into the world to share love and faith in their churches, communities, and everyday lives.

As we head into the winter and away from the hustle and bustle of a busy summer season, the trees become dormant and the seeds in the soil are slowing their growth.

Let us look at the people that were impacted by camp this summer to hear more about how amazing camp was…and how the seeds planted by camp are growing.

A first-time camper parent shared, “[My camper] came back singing some songs and often wanted us to listen and learn from him! And when he offered to pray before mealtimes, he showed us the Batman way to pray. It was very interesting and makes prayer for him a happy thing to do now!”

Planting the seed of prayer through a well-known character and a relatively easy song to remember allows for children to relate and quickly pick up these fun prayers.

Once campers are home these fun experiences become a part of their normal, everyday lives.

Another camper parent shared, “They learned how to take up and cross and what to leave at the cross. Having a community made them part of something special. They formed friendships that are continuing after camp.”

The Summer Ministry Team, a team of 62 young adults, helped to provide safe and exciting spaces for campers to grow, planting seeds of faith by creating space for each camper to be themselves.

The friends made through camp are often friends for life, connecting and remaining close many years after their initial welcoming experience.

Where do YOU come into this equation? Providing a wide variety of support to camp, you are helping to nurture and grow the faith experiences for these campers.

Through the generosity of donors, like you, camp remains an experience for all campers interested, whether or not their family can afford the cost to attend.

This summer alone, more than $1 million was given to campers through subsidies and Camperships at Carol Joy Holling Camp and Sullivan Hills Camp.

Because of you, more than 1,450 campers were planted in faith and sewn to show God’s love to all who they encounter. Additionally, 62 Summer Ministry Team Members grew in faith and were sewn to show love as they headed back home.

As the year draws to a close we invite you to reflect on the seeds of faith that were planted for you and give to our ministry.

The need for campers to continue to experience God and God’s love continues to grow. Let’s work together to plant these seeds, sew the love, and grow in God’s good word.

Visit to give online, or you can mail cash or checks (made to NLOM) to NLOM Attn: Katie Holwinski, 27416 Ranch Road, Ashland, NE 68003.

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