Legacy of Land

Apr 25, 2023 | Uncategorized

Land has such a powerful draw on our lives. In Nebraska, it is especially obvious, as agriculture is a part of who we are. Even for those of us who are not actively involved in farming, we are just a generation or two away from family members who were. Our roots are buried deep in the land.

At Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (NLOM), we understand the importance of land. The gifts of property provided by George and Irene Holling, which became Carol Joy Holling Camp, and Lillian and Lester Sullivan, whose land became Sullivan Hills Camp, created sacred spaces that have impacted the faith lives of thousands upon thousands of people for more than 40 years.

Gifts of land continue to impact our ministry and the people we serve. Over the last few years, five faithful friends have included NLOM in their estate plans with gifts of land totaling $3.7 million. These incredibly generous, forward-looking people will ensure that NLOM remains vital, strong, and faithful for many years to come.

One of these generous friends was very familiar to our NLOM family. LaVonne Loseke, who many knew as Bidder #1 at the Quilt Auction and who also provided the matching funds for the swimming pool at Carol Joy Holling Camp, had an incredible impact on our ministry during her lifetime. Upon her death, LaVonne provided a legacy gift of an 80-acre farm in Columbus. This farm recently sold and enabled the creation of an endowment fund in the NLOM Foundation named in LaVonne’s memory. This fund will provide significant, ongoing support.

NLOM has stewarded these gifts of land by making long-term decisions for the critically important ministry’s financial health. We eliminated all long-term debt, established an operating reserve fund, and placed money in the endowment accounts of the NLOM Foundation. We were also able to care for the NLOM staff in a way that they deserve, by providing medical benefits and retirement programs.

Thank you to LaVonne, Clifford Johnson, Elsa Heller, and Andrew & Margaret Morrow for their decisions to leave legacies that will positively impact people everywhere through their gifts of land.

Many of NLOM’s friends have included our ministry in their will. If you are interested in leaving a legacy to help keep Faith: Alive! please click here to learn more, or contact Dave Coker, Special Gifts Officer, at 402-944-2544.

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